wouldnt be a money making game witout th egiant click to go to another site pop up every few moments which I ended up clicking while trying to buy upgrades. It really ruins the game play for me. I love idle games but this is a nono, even clicker heroes has a smaller pop up which you have buttons inside. this will send you there no matter where in the pop up you click. that's how some folks get malware even if the site is clean. Well, if that doesnt bother you as a player enjoy. responsve controls , nice graphics, gets monotonous after a while. there are other job simulators like record shop tycoon, halfling tycoon , hero simulator, merchant, idle tree, etc that don't employ this pop up tactic. :/ sorry but that ticks me off. got some malware adware here before cuz of that before even with a proper combi of blockers n AVs.