I do love a good point & click, I disagree with the kid not having the hability to "chow down" cuz he does bite someone, and you gotta eat a brain to progress,it's nice to have a zombie who wont attack people randomly cus hes hungry. I like the uniqueness of the zomboy. He's not like the rest, You really do read upon the main story, and his origin but only after you learn to read. I liked the news paper reports in the girls home. I guess the complaint is that you have to read the story by finding it , and isnt spoon fed so the game feels flat in that sense. I didnt mind it. Though I do agree in the ability to drag an item to use instead of doing it through dialogue. People hate reading, and making them read breaks the flow and ambient of the game for some. I dont mind reading but thats my personal opinion. I hope to see a sequel. hey it's better than the abroy ones whcih most are broken anyway :/